Tuesday, February 27, 2007

There is no Competition

I love sports. Since I have been old enough to remember, sports have played a pivotal part in my life. First there was association football, which I found, to my delight, that I had a talent for. My love for football blossomed into a love affair, which only now is beginning to wane. From there I grew to love cricket( I wasn't bad at cricket) Rugby( not bad but wasn't strong enough to play)Basketball ( I was crap) and American football( Which I have never played, but still enjoy watching), and athletics. School was a time where I learnt to play, and compete in these activities, and even today those memories have stayed with me. But whoa to be young and in school nowadays. Where as in my days, teachers would take the time to supervise after school clubs, and games, nowadays, from what I can gather, this doesn't happen, largely due to health & safety fears, and the pressures placed on teachers. Also, the competitive aspect of sports is being taken out of schools, as administrators deem that the losing aspect in competitive sport could traumatise children, and delay their development. So no sports day, or inter class or schools leagues. To my mind they are trying to kill childhood all together. Trust me when I tell you that I never liked to lose (still don't) But I learnt that you can learn a lot from losing. But the biggest thing competitive sports can teach children are life lessons. Like it or not, when your children grow up, they will be in a competitive market. From getting that Job, or promotion, to winning that girls love, life is competitive. Sports can be a good preparation for this. Besides it's only by knowing the despair of defeat that you can fully enjoy the elation that victory brings. Besides this sports are beneficial for the health of our children. Many a time, me, my brother, and friends, would spend hours at the park, playing cricket, football or some such sport. This in turn gave us a love of physical activity that has stayed with us to this day. Plus we have made friendship that have lasted a lifetime. Now I know that nowadays there are more distractions with the computer, and satellite TV being available, but if schools could bring back the competitive element back into our education system, the benefit would extent to the whole nation. Lastly, as 2012 looms closer, to be in for a shout of any medals, wouldn’t it be wise to prepare our children to be competitive now?

Friday, February 23, 2007

What drives you?

Recently on the news, Britney Spears has been admitted into a clinic, and has taken to sporting a shaved head, which she proceeded to cut in front of a baying media circus. Robbie Williams has admitted himself into a rehabilitation clinic, claiming an addiction to pain killing tablets, whilst in recent weeks we have seen the news of the death of ex-model Anna Nicole Smith. Finally, the model named Caprice is recovering in Hospital after allegedly taking an overdose of pain killers. A source said' She has found that the celebrity she chased is empty'
This morning on the way to work, listening to a Pod cast of a sermon on Elijah (thanks Mike for introducing me to this wonderful world, and to your own Pod cast) the preacher said' everyone has a god of their life. That God is whoever/whatever they place their trust, time, and emotion'. I pondered this in my own life. What drives me? What do I place as important in my life? I would love to say the Lord, his word, the company of fellow Christians. But that would not be the whole truth. If I'm honest, I spend time in pursuits that are self centred, that often take me away from the ones I love, and in the end mean nothing. Television used to be my drug of choice, but I weaned myself of watching the latest must see series, only to replace it by my Computer. Trust me when I tell you that when that isn't working, it often feels like a void in my life sad, but true. What about yourself? Is it an interest in celebrity, pop culture, Big brother and the like? Is it an hobby that consumes your time, or a person? The thing is I believe that we are all made with a hole in our lives, a missing something that can only be filled with a relationship (and not religion) with a Living holy God. But the things of this life, and the cares of this world, distort our true meaning. We fill it with Television, and the latest clothes, and gadgets (guilty as charged!). Now I'm not saying these things are bad, but too much of these things can distort your view, and consume you. So who is your God? Even if you don’t follow Christ, you can still be involved in practices that in the end consume your time, but amount to nothing in the end.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Grey Areas

On the way home from work yesterday, I happened to read an article about a forth coming programme on channel 4, entitled 'BATTYMAN'(for those of you who don't know, this is a derogatory term for gay men) the programme centres on a Black comic, who also happens to be gay. Now anyone living in the black community will know that being black and gay is a volatile mix that many in the community will not accept. I even had an e-mail this morning from a colleague who advised me not to watch it, and labelled it as a, and I quote 'disgrace' unquote. Well, after reading the article, I thought I'd express my views on the whole 'Gay’ subject matter, so to speak. Well, firstly, as a Christian, historically there has been a chasm between the Homosexual life style, and the Christian walk. Sometimes verging on hate (from both sides).To me it seems that in this day & age, we are encouraged not to have any absolutes. Right and wrong are relative to the individual. What's good for me might not be for you, but that doesn't make it wrong. Feelings are the indicators that should be used. If it feels good, do it. Well God, to my mind doesn't work like that. Reading his word, you can be clear that he views things as right or Wrong (Righteous, or sinful). No grey areas. And on this matter, he is very clear (See Romans 1 and Genesis 19) now in the days and times we live in, for me to express such a view can be deemed as me preaching hate. Far from it. I abhor the fact that gay men & women are attacked, verbally & physically, are driven out from their families, lose jobs and friendship due to their lifestyle choice. BUT, I believe that Homosexuality is a sin, that's it's a lifestyle choice, and that it goes contrary to God design, purpose, and word. This is a very emotive subject, especially within the black community. I admire this gentlemen taking this stance, and, very publicly, outing himself in this manner. The debate it causes, may, at the least save a life( he was prompted into doing this programme, due to the homophobic death of a friend in Clapham) I will watch this programme, and am willing to discuss the matters raised from it, and this blog, in a civilised manner.

Monday, February 19, 2007

Talkin all that Jazz

Over in the UK, like the rest of the world, we have numerous award shows. One of the major music awards are the MOBO (Music of Black Origin) Last year, the organisers behind this award decided to drop the Jazz category. I think the official reason was something along the lines of a 'restructuring of the music categories'. Now those who know me know I don't hold much truck with award shows. I think their just a reason for people to slap each other on the back, a have a good night out. Also what criteria do they use to establish what film, or album is better than another? But this decision by the MOBO was scandalous. What was worse, very few so-called Black Music organisation had the 'Kohoonas' to report this (Stand up Touch magazine) you may be surprised to know that their was a demonstration outside the Royal Albert hall Venue. This was just another kick in the groin for Jazz, which has been on the ropes for a while. Now i don't claim to be an expert on Jazz, and i maybe am on the right person to try and defend it in print, but I feel that if people invest a little bit of time in this genre, they would come out with a love & respect for it. The trick is to find an instrument that you enjoy listening to, and exploring the many different styles from there. For example I enjoy jazz Guitar. Now the first artist I flirted with was Ronny Jordan. I brought all his stuff, and then got hipped to Norman Brown. Now Ronny was more acid jazz/ street compared to Norman Brown, was verged onto a more smooth jazz terrain. Form there I read that Ronny's idol was Wes Montgomery. At this time a documentary about Wes was on TV, and although his work is based in the 1960's I like what I heard, and am in the process of securing his work, via Amazon, and my Local Library. From there i went onto George Benson, especially his earlier, more jazz tinged work. The thing is, like all music, you have to hear the music to be able to have an opinion on it, not so easy in these days of radio play lists, playing the same songs. You can develop a liking for this genre. My Boy Mike Morgan, and his lovely partner, accompanied me and my wife to a Ronny Jordan concert (who he had never heard of!) from what I can remember he had a great night, and thoroughly enjoyed himself.
So don't be like the MOBOs. Don't fake the funk on Jazz!

Thursday, February 15, 2007

The Heart

Prov 4:23 (KJV) Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of
it are the issues of life.

Prov 4:23 (TEV) be careful how you think; your life is shaped
by your thoughts.

Proverbs 4:23 (NLT) Above all else, guard your heart, for it
affects everything you do.

Often people have asked me why I choose the path of Christianity, as opposed to other world 'religion'. And normally I'd explain my life story and experiences, and I would go into great detail, using Bible verses to back up my words. Having spoken to my good friend Michael Morgan, I promised I'd put my thoughts on this blog for all to see. Not being a theologian or bible scholar, please excuse my humble attempt to explain and represent the almighty. I hope these words will cause many to think and investigate these issues for themselves.

For me the issue at hand, regarding God, sin, death, eternal life, can all be summed up in one word: HEART. The three verses at the beginning of this post, are three transaction of the same verse (I did this to show clarity) How what do I mean/understand by the term heart? The heart is your mind, conscience, or thought life. It determines your behaviour, opinions. How another Bible verse states: The heart is wicked above all things :( Forgive me but I can't remember which book of the bible this relates to) in plain speak, this states that, our mind are naturally evil, from day one. We don't need to be programmed to be evil, it's apart of our original programme. How when I read the bible, and read this, this resonated with me. I reflected over my life, to that point. My actions and thoughts. The conclusion I came too was that, for me, this was true. I didn't need to coerced to do wrong. Many times I wanted to. Still do. So that rang true. But then in my minds eyes, I thought' I not as bad as others. I go to church, don't swear, respect my parents, I live and let live. I'm heaven bound,. But again the bible spoke to me; Romans 3:23 says: 'For ALL have sinned and fall short of the glory of God'. So as good as I thought I was, it was still WAY short of God's mark. I then looked at the 10 commandments. (See Exodus Chapter 20) Going through them, I realised there were some I hadn't committed, and some that I had. I made a vow to do better. But then God's word killed that. Romans 3:20 states: Therefore no-one will be declared righteous in his sight by observing the law; rather, through the law we become conscious of sin.
So the 'Law' as such made me conscious of my sin, or wrong-doing, but obeying it wouldn't gain me God's pleasure or a home with him for eternity.
I then realised that I was beat. But I read further on in Romans. Chapter 6:23: For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. So through Jesus’ death, and resurrection, I had provision into God's presence. He took my place, and died the death I deserved, so that I could have a relationship with The Lord God. The last verse that stood out for me was Romans: 10:9: because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. I confessed not only this, but all my sins (actions and thoughts that were/are opposed to God's way) I believed that that he was raised from the dead in 3 days. I asked Jesus to be my Lord of my Life. Now my aim in this isn't to persuade you into accepting Christ, but to document why I choose this course of action. I haven't got all the answers, but I'm willing to discuss any points you would like clarified.

Further reading:

Matthew 5

The Book of Romans

The Book of Proverbs

Tuesday, February 13, 2007


Many of my happiest memories relating to my childhood relate to the television. The earliest ones would be of me & my brother and Sisters getting up early to watch the Jackson 5 animated cartoon (anyone old enough to remember that?)As we got older their were many shows we would watch together. Magnum PI, The Muppet show (the two old men in the balcony would drive my dad to tears) and many sporting moments (Me and my brother watching our first world cup, of 1978). It would also be the cause of many heated arguments, and fights (whoever had the controls normally was king or queen for that day) at that time you had three channels, and children’s TV was limited to a couple of hours in the evening, and early mornings at the weekend.
My, how times have changed. With the digital area, we have more channels than we could ever have imagined, around the clock news, and sports, reality TV, to name but a few. Now this would normally be the part you'd expect me to bemoan those golden days, complain about the sex and violence on TV, and wish those bygone days would return. But I won't follow that script. I do believe that WE are responsible for the quality of television that we have at the moment. Good or bad. For example, last summer, here in England, ITVs big rating puller was 'Celebrity Love Island', where so called celebrities were spirited away to an exotic location, and were encouraged to pair off, under the watchful eyes of the cameras. Each week the general public voted off one celeb, until a 'King' and 'Queen' were left to win the grand prize. Well, the viewing figures were such that, the programme was moved to the 'graveyard shrift' of 10-11 o’clock at night, and no further programmes are to be commissioned.
We ultimately hold the power to control a programme's destiny. Similarly if 8 million people are engrossed by Big Brother, this confirms to the programme makers that there is an audience out there, and further series will be commissioned. To my mind there is lot of quality on TV, you just need to sift through the weeds to find them. At one point in my life, i would literally run home to watch things, have my tape recorder on permanent over drive recording episodes of 'ER', and the West Wing, and felt annoyed if something came in between them. One week, I decided to 'Fast' from TV, to see if I could live without it. I won't lie it wasn't easy. I found that certain programmes that me and the wife would watch, and spend time together, were out and we would often be in separate rooms. But you know what? I survived. I still watch TV, but it's not the be all of everything. I can take it or leave it. Can you?

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Fighting a losing battle

Recently I went to watch Rocky Balboa. The thing that struck me (apart from the lame Boxing scenes) was Sly Stallone. How he had aged. And by aged I don't mean his body (which for a 60 year old, was in excellent shape) but his face. it seemed like it was sliding downwards, and he actually looked like his mother( and, if you have seen her recently, isn't a good thing) This got me thinking about age. And our perception of it. Now Sly, famously, has Plastic Surgery, around the time of Rocky 2, and for a while he had a good run with it, but father time as caught up, as he always does. Joan Rivers is another. Now my question to you all is: What is wrong with looking your age and getting older? Now I say this as a Man who, at 39 is going bald, and has a peppering of grey hair in among my facial hair, who is not as light as he once was, and has puffy eyes, with wrinkles attached. Now for a Man, one of the most traumatic experiences can be going bald, as our hair defines us, and I won't lie, and say that I didn't/don't miss it on some days. But I came to the realization that, I couldn't get it back, and as i had been shaving my hair bald from 20, it was just less to shave :)
Now I'm not a woman, but I realize that society judges women differently in this matter than men. But I still think it looks glorious to see a grand mother with a head of gray hair, as opposed to her religiously dyeing it. But I'm told living is for the young, and it's not a world that respects the old. And on the whole they may be right. Old age is seen as something to fight off, and deny, as you'll only have a old people home too look forward to. In some society the elderly our seen as an Iconic group whose views on life are sought out and respected, and our treated with the dignity that they deserve (even through you can get some grumpy old people who always complain that it was ‘Better in my day)
I would say embrace Old Age, and treat Gray hair as crowning glory, you have earned. Either way it comes to us all.

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

A Man's worth

What is a Man's worth? To society, to his children to himself? I ask the question as I feel that his worth, his feeling of well being, his importance within society, is being attacked, and eroded. The need for a male influence within the family structure is often questioned, but the results are there for all to see. This isn't an attack on the many ladies who single handily bring up, and support children with no male presence, BUT, without a male influence within any family, we are depriving our children of an structure, essential to their well being, and future success. Think I'm being dramatic. I remember a few years watching a documentary dealing with a British Women's attempt to become a Porn actress. I watched as she was documented auditioning for roles, and being made to perform acts, that on one occasion led to the Narrator and the film crew having to step in, and rescue her, for her own safety.
It transpires that she initially had wanted to be a page 3, and she had often seen her father viewing these, and wanting to gain his approval, she had started her career in the Industry. She broke down, and yearned for closeness with her father. Now I'm not saying everyone, or every situation can be explained away in this matter, but it opened my eyes to how important a role a father has within his family. Let me also add that, for a Boy, if his Father isn't teaching him how to be a Man, someone is. Whether that’s the streets, his peer group, he will learn from some source.
I know from my own experience. My father passed away when I was fourteen, and had been ill from the time I was 9. Much of who I am, especially how I relate to my own kids, are from words, and actions that I can still remember from my dad. I was in awe of him (as most kids are) His death, and the lack of a father figure within my life haunted me for years. Maybe that is one reason why I felt drawn to a Faith in the almighty, as he became, and still is, my father.
So what is a Man’s worth?? You tell me!

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Go Home

Yesterday a good friend of mine was racially abused, outside their daughter's school. Among other things they were told to, and I quote 'F***ing go back Home'. Whilst home happens to be Luton, I got the impression that this isn't what the person meant. What with the controversy concerning Big Brother, and the Government attempt to thwart racism through legalistic ways, I wonder, as some have been quoted as saying, that Racism isn't a major issue as in past times, and that we in this country have got our house in order. Try telling that to my friend. To my mind, laws, as well intended as they are, can't govern the heart and minds of men and women. Only God can do that, and change them. What also saddens me is that both parties were female. Now in the current climate that we live in, this may come across as sexist, but I'm the kind of man that can not bear to hear a lady swear, let alone use vulgar racist overtones. Plus I always thought that Women had certain sympathy with racial issues, as they run parallel with gender issues. Naïve I know. Are any answers here? No, life isn’t that simple. As the Good Book says’ teach a child the ways to go, and they shall never depart’ I am responsible to my children, to nurture them into adults, that, whilst knowing these things exist (and other evils) that they, with the Lords help, need not pick up these bad behavioural habits.

Monday, February 5, 2007


Question? Do you like your Job? Do you look forward to going into the office/factory, where ever, even on a Monday? Why do I ask? Well, by God's grace I have been duly employed since the age of 18, in various, mainly office based jobs. Some of been for private firms, whilst others have been for Local and central government. They have all had one thing in common. I couldn't stand any of them. Now don't get me wrong. I don't begrudge working, and I enjoy getting paid. I just wish that I had a job that I enjoyed. I look around my work environment and on the tube in the morning, and i see motivated people hard at it, focused, with their game suit on. Me? I'm just trying to survive. I usually split my days into segments. First part is start time to lunch time. If I can make it to lunch time, without any major hiccups, or problems, then I'm doing OK. Then Lunch time is the highlight, where I can surf the Web, read, chat to friends, what ever. After lunch (what a downer) I then set my sites on 3 o'clock. I don't know why. it seems that after that time, I'm on count down, until I can go home( If you have seen the film, school of Rock, I'm like Jack Black Character, who when it's time to go home, hi-fives all the kids in the front row of his class that he is teaching) Sad en? Am I alone? Oh I must add that I enjoy the taking tube into work, as i get an hour to read, and listen to my Ipod, to either prepare myself for the day ahead, or to chill out from another day in the office. Has it always been like this? Well, yes. The only Job that I wanted to do when I left school( Professional Footballer)I wasn't good enough to do, and I realised that what ever job I did, I wouldn't ever enjoy. Sadly, I have been proved right.