Monday, July 30, 2007


In the West we are quick to comment on how much freedom we have, as opposed to other countries or cultures around the globe, but how true is this? Let's take a closer look. Freedom to Demonstrate? Well, within reason. Depending on your point of view. The British National Party cannot hold a demonstration against immigration, or the influx of immigrants, because that would violate the new inciting racial hated law(s), as would any body or group demonstrating against homosexuality or a particular religious persuasion ( particularly Islam, or so it seems to me). Also, due to the current war on/with Iraq demonstrations which are not police approved ( i.e. spontaneous) are not permitted within a square mile(I think it's a square mile) of parliament or Downing Street.
Freedom to vote, well, yes, but even this is under threat. There's has been talk in the UK press, that like other countries, the right to vote will be made mandatory for all those of voting age. This is due to the fact that voting figures are declining year upon year, particularly among the young.
Freedom to bring up your children? Again within reason. The Government is under pressure from certain pressure groups, to make it an offense to smack your children, as a form of punishment.
Freedom of movement? Guess what, within reason. The United Kingdom has more closed circuit television (CCTV) than any in the west ( if not the world)( the argument being that these cameras help in the fight on crime, which is not borne out by the facts, as people committing crime raises year on year)
Lastly freedom to own your own home? Well, I'm not sure we do. Our mortgages are normally the biggest out lay from our wages, on average lasting 25 years( which will see an increase as first time buyers struggle to get on the property ladder, Once this is paid off, it would normally be about time to retire (until the government raises the retirement age too 70) where by, God willing you'll have a few years to enjoy 'ownership' of your home, before you die.

In my opinion we are more slave than free, whilst other countries do not pretend that this state of freedom exists.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

What has happened to Black Music? Am I the only one that thinks that it's not in a healthy state at the moment? Oh, so you want evidence? Well, I'll give you my first reference point as evidence: The Major labels. They stand accused of not harboring/developing artist signed to their label. There was a time, way back, when, once an artist was signed, they were given time to develop. So no pressure was made to bear on their first CD release, they were given time to develop a live stage act, and limited freedom (which would increase, once sales, or a critical response was forth coming) Look at Ray Charles, for example. Watching his film 'RAY (or reading his biography) you notice, that his early releases did not do too well, but he was given time to find his identity. Not now, Don-e, Omar, Silent Eclipse, London Posse, Demon Boyz, Derek B & Donnie, to name just a few artists that have felt the sting of major label rejection.
Secondly, please stand up: Radio. Playing the same 20 songs, on the hour, every hour for weeks on end. New artists NEED exposure, and we the public have to hear their product to be able to purchase it. The Major labels have a part to play in this, as they will pay stations to put their artist on to the coveted play lists.
Lastly, I & you are to blame. We're lazy. If we took the time to search out the underground scene, we would find vibrant fresh talent, across all musical boundaries, waiting for an audience. Thank good ness for the Internet, which has the Majors running scare, and for downloads, which has given power to the consumer.
What is required are Berry Gordon's of the 00's, who will run, and promote new talent, and not sell out for the quick buck.

Wednesday, July 4, 2007


There was a time when you could have called me star struck. When I would have gone to some effort to get an autograph, some such thing (normally associated with a sporting Star, say football) or have a chat. Nowadays I don't hold much truck for it, for a couple of reasons. The World now seems obsessed with celebrity, to the extent that each week, a new publication hits the news stand, promising new revealing pictures of the latest hot couple, or chances to win a make over to look like them. Now I know that this isn't a new trend. You can trace the roots of this disease right back to 1940's, 1950's, Hollywood film stars, and like most things seems to have gotten steadily worse. At least back then you had to have done something (or have been good at some activity) nowadays you can be successful just by looking like someone famous (stand up Chantelle) Do you know who I blame for this mess. YOU! & me. If we were more concerned with our own well being, and were happy and content with our own lives, maybe we wouldn't be so concerned with Big Brother, Celebrity Love Island, Hello & OK magazine. It's even got to the point where the TV news is dictated by these issues (i.e. making a song & dance about the winner of 'The Apprentice'!)It saddens me when I see & hear people getting wrapped up in BB, when, to my eyes, it's just a collection of show offs, Bullies, and wannabees.
Now some may argue that it’s harmless fun, a bit of entertainment, to while away the time. Maybe. To me, it’s the lowest common denominator, that, given it’s full range, will lead to a desensitised nation