Monday, March 5, 2007

Is sorry ever enough?

To celebrate the 200 year old anniversary of the abolition of slavery, various projects are in the offering. Hollywood is set to produce a film based on the life of William Wilberforce, the gentlemen who worked tirelessly over many years to get the English parliament to establish the act that brought this trade to an end. Watching the news tonight, I observed a descendant of Wilberforce, who has shackled himself in chains, and is marching down to London, to highlight the need for the British government to apologize for benefiting from this trade in Human life. Now my thoughts on this are numerous. Firstly, the people that need to do the apologizing, and the people that need to hear it are both dead. Also apologizing won't change the fact that these events took place. There is also the fact of who do you apologize to? The African descendents of slaves, the Caribbean descendents? Also, what if this apology isn't accepted, what then? Reparation? What figure could you put to compensate for the death, misery, destruction of a Race? Yes I acknowledge that many institutions, including the church, Lloyds of London, and Many American corporations have bloodied their hands, and have made a lot of money of this trade, and, in theory, I can see how an apology might be deemed as closure in this episode, but I fear that an apology might encourage certain parties to seek money as damage caused to the black race. This too me would be a disgrace, to minise the suffering of slaves in monetary terms. The one thing we would be wise to do is: Learn from history, and never repeat these mistakes of the past.


Anonymous said...

Mmmm...I beg to difer on a few points you've made Mr Smooth. I feel if there is any justice in the world then its about time we received some.

Why is it that monetary compensation through reparations is deemed unacceptable. I for one believe that an apology is not good enough.

Banks, corporations, governments and individual dynasty's profitted of the blood sweat and tears of slaves...its about time they shared what they have gained through free labour...with interest.

Whilst it wont solve the problems of the past it will be a start on what is a long road in redressing the chasm between rich and poor, those who have and those who have not and it will show a seriousness on the behalf of those who have undoubtably benefitted but have yet to acknowledge they have done so.

Gqsmooth said...

Morning Mike, and thanks for your response. At the moment there isn't a swell of people demanding money. But where would this money come from? The treasury, which in effect is tax payers moneys, ie, me & you. How much is enough to cover over 400 years over rape, persecution etc. As for justice, not many people get justice in this world I'm afraid.

Gqsmooth said...

Good morning survivor 07, and thanks for your input. Just to address some of your points. I see nothing wrong with my posts being from, or issues relating to being black, as, last time I checked, I was, am and will always be black. Which means I may have a different slant on issues to yourself, as we have different cultural experiences. Also you mention that Mike was whinning. Could you tell me where in his post exactly? Finally you mention that I want Black opinions relating to my posts? Not true brother. If anything I would like people, of anycolour to exorees their views on my posts. By your argument I could never express an opinion on most of the films and books produced as they are from a white perpective. Thanks again for your input

Anonymous said...

Afternoon gents and spectattors who visit this great site but have yet to add their voice to this interesting issue.

Ok where do I start, well not by whinning, never have done never will. I will however, start by re-iterating and possibly clarify a few points as I feel perhaps you both may think I hold all the answers...ok I am of moderate intelligence, but not a Harvard Graduate though.

First up who would pay? Easy one to answer Banks and corporations who have directly benefitted from slavery would be top of a cascading list of contributers who would pay a proportion of their turnover (how much exactly, I dont know) to a series of trust fund that would be made available to those who are the decendents of slaves.

It's just as we are feeling the aftershock of 400 years of bondage. I personally don't think the plight of jews is a measure on which to judge the question of reparations as even if one person loses their life though hate its a travesty. Let's not get sidetracked by other plights as to be fair I'm not saying that they should not be debated, all in good time. Just as an aside though...the jews received Israel, which is more than 40 acres and a mule by my reckoning, but I digress.

I think GQ regardless of his political religious or moral persuasion raises an important issue here,,which at leaast he has the nuts to bring into an open discussion.

Thats whats key here, in my oppinion, lets have the dialogue instead of sweeping an indellible stain in history under the carpet.

Anonymous said...

This is what we want as the old TISWAS saying goes.

If I may I'd like to address some points made earlier. I see nothing wrong with reparations. As to whinning, didn't the Jewish community get monies from some of the Big Corporations after the War. Thats less than 60 years ago.

Unfortunately, as GQ says theres no push for reparations within the "Black community" UK or US as I can see. So I guess it'll remain something to argue over in Blogs & late-night with friends.

Finally, I've got to say that that there are too few UK based Blogs coming from a Black prespective, so more power to you GQ.

Anonymous said...

Laughing @ Waldo...TIWAS, man, now you're showing your age!

Anonymous said...

@ Survivor07...I racked my brains after reading your "I don't see the Jews crying about their ancetors being in slavery."

Mmmm...why would they, after talking about this with some friends I was pointed towards this gem of information that might explain why you don't see jews cryin etc...I'd be interested in your take on the following...

A Reparations Agreement between Israel and West Germany was signed on September 10, 1952 and entered in force on March 27, 1953. According to the Agreement, West Germany was to pay Israel for the slave labor and persecution of Jews during the Holocaust, and to compensate for Jewish property that was stolen by the Nazis.

According to the website of the Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany, the so-called Claims Conference, "In response to calls from Jewish organizations and the State of Israel, in September 1951 Chancellor Konrad Adenauer of West Germany addressed his Parliament: `… unspeakable crimes have been committed in the name of the German people, calling for moral and material indemnity … The Federal Government are prepared, jointly with representatives of Jewry and the State of Israel … to bring about a solution of the material indemnity problem, thus easing the way to the spiritual settlement of infinite suffering.'

Let's get things on a level playing field here if you wish to evoke what happened in that particular Holocaust.

Anonymous said...

Europeans, Americans, Arabs and Jews and their descendants have profited from slavery for 100's of years whilst Africa and the West Indies languishes in poverty! It's about time they repented of their fore fathers sins, apologise and provide enough money to bring Africa and the West Indies to a level enjoyed by themselves and seriously endevour to stop exploiting the rest of the world for their selfish gains, forget about going to Mars and take better care of the Earth!

I'm reminding of a certain little man in a sycamore tree!

Anonymous said...

@ survivor your apology is unwarranted in my humble oppinion as you certainly did not offend me. It definately was revealing to read your comments however as I think they are quite possibly a good insight into how perhaps the rest of White America feels.

I thought I was pretty clear that what I'm asking for is justice, a simple apology is not going to cut it for me. No monetary compensation will not dissolve away any attrocity, however, lets start the ball rolling with something that amounts to tangible change.

Money is an enabler, not the be all and end all. It's a way in which we can start to possible redress a dissproportionate balance of economic circumstance which is linked in many ways to slavery.

Whilst many African villages benefited from slavery as a direct result of Africans fuelling the slave trade I think you would be rather misguided if you were to tell me it is on the scope scale and level of those corporations and banks that are still raking in excess profits today as a direct result of slave labour.

I think the prospect of the little people paying the debt of slavery is a red herring which has been used as a smoke screen by many. I'm not suggesting you are using it in that manner, but come on let's have the dialogue at least.

We've had it with excuses why we can't move forward with this. But there is a precedent mentioned in my previous post yesterday, which I noticed that you have conveniently sidestepped. I'd welcome your views and that of previous posters on this.

Gqsmooth said...

@MM. With reference to your disclosure regarding Germany paying reparation the Jewish nation. To my mind this hasn't closed the issue, the hurt, the loss of family etc. Those issues are still like open wounds. If money could bring closure then I'd be all for it. If anything I would favor something like the South African system where by the had the victims, and perpetrators together in court, but as apartheid officially ended 17 years ago( give or take a few years) this was possible, and wouldn't be with regard to slavery..

Anonymous said...

@ GQ I hear you bro...but one of the points I think I'm trying to point out with that example is at least they started somewhere and have not, decade after decade ummed and ahhhhed.