Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Don't Men Like fashion?

I know that this might be unusual for a man to say, but I like to look good. I enjoy wearing well fitting, fashionable clothes. There I said it. Now you might be wondering so what, don't most people, including men, like to look good? Well not according to the fashion patrol squad that I see on TV, or in publications. Example, on purchasing my daily newspaper on Friday, I read that a colour supplement of the latest fashions would be in the Saturday edition. Upon which, when I purchased the Saturday edition, the colour supplement was dedicated to the latest women’s fashion for that season. Now most of my friends (except Mr. Morgan :) like to look good, and with the limited budget we have, as fathers & husbands, strive to do so. But are we catered for to any extent? No. What's that I hear you say? Don't GQ, Arena, and other 'Men’s' magazines? cater for men? Well to a point. If you can wade through the soft core images of naked women. Why do these publications treat all men as if we are all the same? I'd love a monthly men’s mag which incorporated fashion, health, music, gadgets, with out the soft core images. Oh, yeah and another thing. Do these fashion types think that we all earn 50,000 pounds a year? My same daily newspaper (daily Telegraph) recently had an excellent men’s supplement, fronted by that excellent actor Clive Owen. Inside the latest fashion essentials for the summer season were featured alongside men face & hair products. But, when I had a closer look, the prices quoted made me despair. 50 pounds for a belt*! 500 pounds for a pair of shoes. Who can afford such prices? But, if men’s fashion is more expensive that it's female counterpart, why isn't it given equal exposure? I wrote an e-mail to the fashion editor of the daily telegraph saying as much, but to this day, I’m still waiting for a reply. Lastly, to finish off my moan , could someone explain to me, why, when I do see men’s clothes modeled at a fashion event, that, in my humble, even Worzel Gummridge wouldn’t even be seen dead in any of the clothes worn. Ah, I’m getting to old for this!


Anonymous said...

I think people who cant afford designer gear should stick to H&M.

The reason its at a premiumm is to do with brand management and to keep the names prestigeous.

Unknown said...

I just typed this long response, and the message didn't go through. This is a test.

Unknown said...

All right, let's try this one more time. Yes, a man dressing nicely is a wonderful thing, but some folks idea of fashion is not others. Whereas some people feel that wearing a throwback, jeans to your ankles, and a hat so big the bill is at your lip is dressing nicely, I'd much prefer guys who wear comfortably loose khakis, a button down or double t-shirts (for some odd reason, I love double t-shirts), and loafers or tasteful shoes. I cannot stand sagging though. I gag when I see peoples' pants hanging all the way to their knees. I went to Miami to a fashion show and saw some of the most God awful (no disrespectful) clothing ever. Check my Florida photos in MySpace to see a shot of the models. All I kept thinking was who in the world picked out this stuff?