Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Go Home

Yesterday a good friend of mine was racially abused, outside their daughter's school. Among other things they were told to, and I quote 'F***ing go back Home'. Whilst home happens to be Luton, I got the impression that this isn't what the person meant. What with the controversy concerning Big Brother, and the Government attempt to thwart racism through legalistic ways, I wonder, as some have been quoted as saying, that Racism isn't a major issue as in past times, and that we in this country have got our house in order. Try telling that to my friend. To my mind, laws, as well intended as they are, can't govern the heart and minds of men and women. Only God can do that, and change them. What also saddens me is that both parties were female. Now in the current climate that we live in, this may come across as sexist, but I'm the kind of man that can not bear to hear a lady swear, let alone use vulgar racist overtones. Plus I always thought that Women had certain sympathy with racial issues, as they run parallel with gender issues. Naïve I know. Are any answers here? No, life isn’t that simple. As the Good Book says’ teach a child the ways to go, and they shall never depart’ I am responsible to my children, to nurture them into adults, that, whilst knowing these things exist (and other evils) that they, with the Lords help, need not pick up these bad behavioural habits.


Anonymous said...

It's just so ironic that recently I saw something on the telly that shocked and surprised me. A group of people from the UK, some of whom included racists had their ancestry traced back using DNA sampling and other high tech procedures.

A large percentage of the test group's heritage could be traced back to far flung places like Asia and Africa making many of them re-evaluate their views especially those expressing extreme ideas on race.

Sounds like this woman could do with some of this wake up medicine!

survivor07 said...

Can't we all learn to get along.

Anonymous said...

@ survivor kinda ironic you chose to quote a man, "Rodney King" who after being savagely beaten by racist cops has been perpetually targeted by the LAPD for special attention.

Can't we just all get along...Mmmm me thinks not!

Anonymous said...

I'm just being a realist.

Our division is not just attributable to race. In all cultures you have elements of division, whether its caste, religion, sexual orientation or language.

All of these and more cause conflict. I am merely pointing out the reality that exists and which have done since Adam was a boy.

Cant we just get along...it would be a nice utopia to aim for but until then my views and outlook are steeped in realism based on fact.

Anonymous said...

Nope,haven't changed tact. I think I'm still on topic when I say I have no problemo with whites or any other colour come to think of it. I think people who do are ignorant and should be hanged.

The notion and statement "getting along" is a broad one in my book. I'm just sayin that its not just down to race...

Gqsmooth said...

For me, until Jesus comes back, racism will still exists. Yes we should all get along, and colour shouldn't be an issue. BUT it is. maybe not to me or you, but it still causes division in the world. I think Mike is saying that that is the reality, not the ideal way, but he'll correct me if I'm wrong.

Anonymous said...

Spot on Mr Ajudicator!