Thursday, February 22, 2007

Grey Areas

On the way home from work yesterday, I happened to read an article about a forth coming programme on channel 4, entitled 'BATTYMAN'(for those of you who don't know, this is a derogatory term for gay men) the programme centres on a Black comic, who also happens to be gay. Now anyone living in the black community will know that being black and gay is a volatile mix that many in the community will not accept. I even had an e-mail this morning from a colleague who advised me not to watch it, and labelled it as a, and I quote 'disgrace' unquote. Well, after reading the article, I thought I'd express my views on the whole 'Gay’ subject matter, so to speak. Well, firstly, as a Christian, historically there has been a chasm between the Homosexual life style, and the Christian walk. Sometimes verging on hate (from both sides).To me it seems that in this day & age, we are encouraged not to have any absolutes. Right and wrong are relative to the individual. What's good for me might not be for you, but that doesn't make it wrong. Feelings are the indicators that should be used. If it feels good, do it. Well God, to my mind doesn't work like that. Reading his word, you can be clear that he views things as right or Wrong (Righteous, or sinful). No grey areas. And on this matter, he is very clear (See Romans 1 and Genesis 19) now in the days and times we live in, for me to express such a view can be deemed as me preaching hate. Far from it. I abhor the fact that gay men & women are attacked, verbally & physically, are driven out from their families, lose jobs and friendship due to their lifestyle choice. BUT, I believe that Homosexuality is a sin, that's it's a lifestyle choice, and that it goes contrary to God design, purpose, and word. This is a very emotive subject, especially within the black community. I admire this gentlemen taking this stance, and, very publicly, outing himself in this manner. The debate it causes, may, at the least save a life( he was prompted into doing this programme, due to the homophobic death of a friend in Clapham) I will watch this programme, and am willing to discuss the matters raised from it, and this blog, in a civilised manner.


Anonymous said...

As a hetro man happily in a loving relationship with a beautiful woman who I love to bits I have never been able to understand what would attract one man to another.

That said I personally think another man sexual preference is none of my business. Those who share this attraction are doing it as consenting adults also if they are harming no-one why should they justify themselves to me?

This leads me onto the moral basis for disagreeing with your "It's a sin" Perhaps on a biblical front it is, but on a moralistic platform and in todays society where freedom is up to the individual and comes at a premium the biblical basis is a little redundant.

I wouldn't mind seeing this programme as its sounds like it could be very interesting. When is it on Mr Smooth?

Gqsmooth said...

Monday at 10.00pm, on Channel Four

Gqsmooth said...

@Survivor07. Firstly many thnaks for contribution to the Blog. As for your comments, yes I am curious to watch the programme, as I would like to see the responce within the Black community to this whole issue. I haven't seen Broke Back Montain, as, like yourself, I have no interest.

Anonymous said...

Brokeback Mountain is an exceptional film which you gents are missing out on.

I can understand why you would balk at such a contoversial movie, I must say were it not for the fact I discussed this movie on a tv show I think my curiosity would have remained just just that...curiosity.

In all honesty I'm glad I did see it, whilst the "angry love scene" was hard to made me a little uncomfortable to be honest, I still commend Ang Lee on such a brave choice but also for creating a beautiful, stunning picture.

Gqsmooth said...

Sorry Mike, the same way as drea girls had no interest for me, it the same way Broke back held nothing of interest.