Wednesday, February 7, 2007

A Man's worth

What is a Man's worth? To society, to his children to himself? I ask the question as I feel that his worth, his feeling of well being, his importance within society, is being attacked, and eroded. The need for a male influence within the family structure is often questioned, but the results are there for all to see. This isn't an attack on the many ladies who single handily bring up, and support children with no male presence, BUT, without a male influence within any family, we are depriving our children of an structure, essential to their well being, and future success. Think I'm being dramatic. I remember a few years watching a documentary dealing with a British Women's attempt to become a Porn actress. I watched as she was documented auditioning for roles, and being made to perform acts, that on one occasion led to the Narrator and the film crew having to step in, and rescue her, for her own safety.
It transpires that she initially had wanted to be a page 3, and she had often seen her father viewing these, and wanting to gain his approval, she had started her career in the Industry. She broke down, and yearned for closeness with her father. Now I'm not saying everyone, or every situation can be explained away in this matter, but it opened my eyes to how important a role a father has within his family. Let me also add that, for a Boy, if his Father isn't teaching him how to be a Man, someone is. Whether that’s the streets, his peer group, he will learn from some source.
I know from my own experience. My father passed away when I was fourteen, and had been ill from the time I was 9. Much of who I am, especially how I relate to my own kids, are from words, and actions that I can still remember from my dad. I was in awe of him (as most kids are) His death, and the lack of a father figure within my life haunted me for years. Maybe that is one reason why I felt drawn to a Faith in the almighty, as he became, and still is, my father.
So what is a Man’s worth?? You tell me!


Anonymous said...

Its a shame that the site is so young as this is a fantastic topic which I think calls for dialogue between males and females.

Dialogue is needed as Males need to accept that their defination of maleness that influences our young sems to be at odds to what is defined and required by our female partners.

Not that you need schooling as I'm sure you know this but not a day goes by without a news item recording negativity, violence and decadence perpetuated by males and not just black ones either.

The role of the man in the family and society is one which is not particular, special or attributable to one race or creed but I know I'm talking to the converted.

Lets get some female perspectives up in this peace. Get promoting your blog bruv!

survivor07 said...

This is not always the case.
Somethimes it is best the man leaves the family for the family to be it's best.
I know this is not the Lords will.
This one really makes you think.
The Lords will is for you to stick it out and make the best ofall situations,to bite the bullet and see yourself through.But I have a hard time with that.I know families that ere and are better off with the male model leaving.
Will have to give this one more thought.
Keep posting your thoughts.
Just found this tonight and am enjoying your views.
What are your views on the Lord Jesus?

Gqsmooth said...

@ Survivor:Thank you for your comments. To answer your comments. I would say it depends on the circumstance. If the Man is violent, or abushive, then yes It might be best for all concerned if he left. But other than Adiltry, I think they can work at it. As for the Lord jesus, as achristian, he ia my all in all (Romans 10:9)

Anonymous said...

Mmm...Like my boy GQ I think it really depends on the circumstances. But ultimately the whole thing boils down to communication.

I'm not saying it solves everything but its a starting point.