Friday, February 23, 2007

What drives you?

Recently on the news, Britney Spears has been admitted into a clinic, and has taken to sporting a shaved head, which she proceeded to cut in front of a baying media circus. Robbie Williams has admitted himself into a rehabilitation clinic, claiming an addiction to pain killing tablets, whilst in recent weeks we have seen the news of the death of ex-model Anna Nicole Smith. Finally, the model named Caprice is recovering in Hospital after allegedly taking an overdose of pain killers. A source said' She has found that the celebrity she chased is empty'
This morning on the way to work, listening to a Pod cast of a sermon on Elijah (thanks Mike for introducing me to this wonderful world, and to your own Pod cast) the preacher said' everyone has a god of their life. That God is whoever/whatever they place their trust, time, and emotion'. I pondered this in my own life. What drives me? What do I place as important in my life? I would love to say the Lord, his word, the company of fellow Christians. But that would not be the whole truth. If I'm honest, I spend time in pursuits that are self centred, that often take me away from the ones I love, and in the end mean nothing. Television used to be my drug of choice, but I weaned myself of watching the latest must see series, only to replace it by my Computer. Trust me when I tell you that when that isn't working, it often feels like a void in my life sad, but true. What about yourself? Is it an interest in celebrity, pop culture, Big brother and the like? Is it an hobby that consumes your time, or a person? The thing is I believe that we are all made with a hole in our lives, a missing something that can only be filled with a relationship (and not religion) with a Living holy God. But the things of this life, and the cares of this world, distort our true meaning. We fill it with Television, and the latest clothes, and gadgets (guilty as charged!). Now I'm not saying these things are bad, but too much of these things can distort your view, and consume you. So who is your God? Even if you don’t follow Christ, you can still be involved in practices that in the end consume your time, but amount to nothing in the end.


Anonymous said...

Thats an easy question film is my god, drug, vice and habit.

Sad I know when there are so many other things that are more important, my girlfriend, son, daughter and best friends like yourself Mr Smooth.

Gqsmooth said...

To kind Mr Morgan, Way to Kind :)