Monday, February 5, 2007


Question? Do you like your Job? Do you look forward to going into the office/factory, where ever, even on a Monday? Why do I ask? Well, by God's grace I have been duly employed since the age of 18, in various, mainly office based jobs. Some of been for private firms, whilst others have been for Local and central government. They have all had one thing in common. I couldn't stand any of them. Now don't get me wrong. I don't begrudge working, and I enjoy getting paid. I just wish that I had a job that I enjoyed. I look around my work environment and on the tube in the morning, and i see motivated people hard at it, focused, with their game suit on. Me? I'm just trying to survive. I usually split my days into segments. First part is start time to lunch time. If I can make it to lunch time, without any major hiccups, or problems, then I'm doing OK. Then Lunch time is the highlight, where I can surf the Web, read, chat to friends, what ever. After lunch (what a downer) I then set my sites on 3 o'clock. I don't know why. it seems that after that time, I'm on count down, until I can go home( If you have seen the film, school of Rock, I'm like Jack Black Character, who when it's time to go home, hi-fives all the kids in the front row of his class that he is teaching) Sad en? Am I alone? Oh I must add that I enjoy the taking tube into work, as i get an hour to read, and listen to my Ipod, to either prepare myself for the day ahead, or to chill out from another day in the office. Has it always been like this? Well, yes. The only Job that I wanted to do when I left school( Professional Footballer)I wasn't good enough to do, and I realised that what ever job I did, I wouldn't ever enjoy. Sadly, I have been proved right.


Anonymous said...

Well at least this blog, which I'm sure you will be updating on a regular basis, gives you both a reason to skip into work so you can use their resources as you maintain it.

Also you can look genuinely busy as you type away furiously regaling us with tales of how bad a day you're having your, oppinions on movies, last nights tv etc! Get typing man!!

WOIM said...

Tell me about it, it's always disappointing when you're sold a job as one thing and it turns out to be something completely different. Personally I'm on a quest to 'find something less boring instead'.

survivor07 said...

Suggestion.Pray the Lord will send you to a job you might enjoy.
I was told one time by an elderly gentleman,if you make a career out of something you really like,you will start to hate it.
A job is a means to support you and your family,if you do not enjoy it,my opinion is that it is your fault.
Go to work and make the best of it.
I used to love my job,then I got promoted and it became overwhelming,I stepped back and ask the Lord to help me be the best I can be and find fulfillment in my work.Well I really enjoy going to work,yes,even Mondays.

survivor07 said...

By the way I get up at 5:15 a.m.
to get my son off to school.I get to work by 7:15 to 7:30.
My work day starts at 8:00 a.m. I work until 5pm to 6pm.Usually with no lunch.This is by choice.
I truly believe the Lord put me in this job.
All things are giving of the Lord for a reason.You just have to find that reason.But I promise you it is not to hate your job. ;)

Gqsmooth said...

@Survivor. That's kinda harsh. So it's my fault that I don't enjoy my job?? Would that go for all the other people that don't enjoy their jobs as well. I enjouy some aspects of my job, but, all in all I'd rather not be there. I have prayed about the situation, but I'll truat God to work it out, as he sees fit. Thanks for your views.

Anonymous said...

Yo dudes, I'm not trying to diss anybody here but I think you guys need to be doing more than just praying as I believe in life you get out what you put in...

Plus whilst I respect the power of prayer, ok so I got down on my knees in gratitude when my son was born, I still feel actively pursuing things you want in life will make them come to you expediently.

Once again no disrespect meant, but I thought I would offer a layman's perspective...

Gqsmooth said...

'Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will direct your path'
'Man chooses his steps, but God orders his path' Both are from Proverbs. Why we pray.