Thursday, April 19, 2007

Friendship Part 2

Regarding my recent blog concerning friendship, one thing that I touched on that I been thinking about lately is my lack of non-black friends. As I write, I would say that I have three good friends. Two black men, and my wife, who happens to be mixed-race. Why no Asian, or white people? I honestly don’t know. It’s not something that I have set out to accomplish. Over time it has just occurred. The closet I got to having a really good white friend was my boy Mark Gooding. Again, this friendship was football related, as he was my partner in the centre of midfield for my old football team. How mark had the gift of the gab, and he would always wind up the opposition, and in the process reduce me to tears. Soon I was being invited around his house, meeting hid Dad & girlfriends (I was a late developer when it came to the ladies). We shared a love of Black music, and enjoyed a good laugh. He was a part time DJ, and he would often do tapes for me of the latest releases. This friendship came to an end, once the team we were in disbanded. Since then I can’t say that an opportunity has arisen for me to develop a friendship with a white male, but I am open to the prospect. The times may be against this happening. Could we be open about our views on Race, with out jeopardising our friendship? I’m not sure. As regards to a friendship with an Asian man, I haven’t experienced anything like this since school days. I still bump into old friends from school, but these are no more than small talk. Why does it bother me? Well I won’t say that it bothers me, but I think that both sides could gain a lot from the experience. But I don’t hold out much hope, as I have discovered that the older I get the less new friends I make.


Anonymous said...

I think the older you get the friends that you keep reflect the true meaning of friendship which by my reckoning boils down to unequivical loyalty, deep trust and unwavering respect...qualities which you can only find and have confirmed in people you've known for ages.

Chuck said...

Hi GQ I WAS BANNED ON GAMEKNOT BECAUSE OF A FRIENDS BAD BEHAVIOR! My rating have took a hit because i was moving to a new house and was unable to make my moves I timed out in over 30 games and it hurts

Unknown said...

The word "friend" is used so loosely these days. I can't say that I'd go out and try to find a "friend" of another culture. I used to hang out with a White buddy of mine regularly in college. I still do hang out on occasion with a Mexican buddy of mine. And I just hung out with an old friend of mine who is Black. But I wouldn't consider of them for real friends. I grew out of that trying-to-make-friends stage awhile back. Now I just try to avoid enemies. However, I do think it's important to try to diversify your living to meet other cultures. People who stick to segregated areas turn out like the dummies who think the men of Jena 6 should be in jail. (Read if you want to know what I'm talking about.)

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

The link didn't work. Let me try again.