Wednesday, July 4, 2007


There was a time when you could have called me star struck. When I would have gone to some effort to get an autograph, some such thing (normally associated with a sporting Star, say football) or have a chat. Nowadays I don't hold much truck for it, for a couple of reasons. The World now seems obsessed with celebrity, to the extent that each week, a new publication hits the news stand, promising new revealing pictures of the latest hot couple, or chances to win a make over to look like them. Now I know that this isn't a new trend. You can trace the roots of this disease right back to 1940's, 1950's, Hollywood film stars, and like most things seems to have gotten steadily worse. At least back then you had to have done something (or have been good at some activity) nowadays you can be successful just by looking like someone famous (stand up Chantelle) Do you know who I blame for this mess. YOU! & me. If we were more concerned with our own well being, and were happy and content with our own lives, maybe we wouldn't be so concerned with Big Brother, Celebrity Love Island, Hello & OK magazine. It's even got to the point where the TV news is dictated by these issues (i.e. making a song & dance about the winner of 'The Apprentice'!)It saddens me when I see & hear people getting wrapped up in BB, when, to my eyes, it's just a collection of show offs, Bullies, and wannabees.
Now some may argue that it’s harmless fun, a bit of entertainment, to while away the time. Maybe. To me, it’s the lowest common denominator, that, given it’s full range, will lead to a desensitised nation


Anonymous said...

I agree with you up to a point but the celeb status is a great thing in may ways it serves as positive reinforcement and acts as recognition for good work.

Ok there are some exceptions...Jade Goodie, the Spice Girls I could go on.

The long and the short of it is thats its about social ordering to put it in plain English it gives us humble folk something to be mentored by and an inspiration to look up to.

Case in point....YOU bruv, are my celebrity!!

Gqsmooth said...

Cheque's in the post. I totally disagree btw. My Inspiration was, are, & will be, my parents, and peers, like yourself. But if this was true, was an example they would be, not. Bed-hopping, cheating, liaring, to name but a few of their 'better' qualities.

Anonymous said...

GQ, it never ceases to amaze me how alike we think. This is something I wrote on this very subject a few months ago:

"We live in a world where people are much more interested now in what's happening in the lives of sociocultural nonentities like Paris Hilton, Lindsey Lohan or Posh Spice, or what's happening on "American Idol", than we are in what is happening right now in places like Darfur, Zimbabwe and Somalia, where real people are dying on a daily basis.

We live in a world where the death of a gold-digging, drug addicted former Playboy bunny knocked the war in Iraq off the news headlines."

Need I say any more? I'll put it this way. There are people out there who are famous for something and others who are famous for diddly squat. The worrying trend is that it's those in the latter camp that seem to be capturing the public imagination these days (I was in the supermarket the othe day and noticed that some girl who's just been evicted from the Big Brother house is on the front cover of no less than 3 magazines!)

I tell you, the world is in serious trouble.

Gqsmooth said...

I Couldn't agree more, and the sad thing is that I believe that things will get worse!

Unknown said...

Whenever people send me forwards about celebrities, I tell them flat out I don't want to see it. I don't care that Beyonce tripped off the stairs. I don't think it's funny that Kelly Rowland fell from dehydration. And stop sending me photos of Da Brat's girlfriend. Ugggggggh. I'll tell somebody in a minute if they spent more time worried about themselves, they wouldn't have to be so concerned with everybody else. And if I see one more YouTube of someone making fun of Micheal Jackson, I'm going to scream. I can't stand those doggone gossip magazines. I prefer magazines like The Ave that showcase politics and the positive aspects of artists.