Thursday, March 22, 2007


One of my memories from childhood relates to my junior school closing down for a day, whilst local/national election took place there. Growing up I was fascinated my voting process, and couldn't wait until I turned eighteen to be able to be involved in the whole process. From that age to the present I have always voted, and as I get older I have found that I enjoy watching current events programmes, and watching the news to keep informed about local/national/world affairs. But in the last couple of years, something strange has happened. I have found that I have struggled to choose who to vote for in any elections. It has gotten to the point that when the next general elections arrive, I have considered not voting at all. To some this would be no big deal, and from the stats I have seen, many people, especially the young, are falling to cast their vote. But to me, the thought of not voting, disturbs me. I have always been of the opinion that those who don't vote, shouldn't/can't complain. Also the fact that many great men and women have literally died for the right to vote, the act of not voting would be a slap in the face for all these people. But what are you too do when NO party holds any appeal, or their manifesto is vague, or too ambitious? Many would argue that to the poor, or other sections of society, it doesn’t matter who is in office, as their lives won’t be affected, one way or the other. Also the argument from the youth is that the politicians have failed to engage the young in the political process. The political process affects all of us, from the taxes we pay, to the running of our hospitals, police force, etc. Thoughts?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

...Mmmm. Coincidentally I was speaking with my lawyer about this yesterday so excuse me if it sounds rehearsed...beacause it is.

I find people nowadays tend to be a little too inwardly focussed and self obsessed with questions like "what can they (politicians) do for me". I think the question should be "what can they do for us".

Yes there is little difference between the main parties nowadays. I think this is because they realise voters memories are longer than what they give them credit for and we can smell lies a mile off like stale pee. I vote because people died so that I can and also I never moan about our current government because I played a part in putting them there. In actuallity it’s a no win situation youre damned if you do, youre damned if you don’t.

From a personal perpsective I've done ok by this government as I try to consider the wider benefits that I've gained either directly or indirectly, investment in school and healthcare for starters. I'm particularly impressed that for once a government is prepared to take on those killers who pollute our streets, pubs, bars and restaurants…the smokers! Roll on July I say, we've never had it so good!!