Tuesday, March 6, 2007

A Job ain't nothing but work!

Recently, the government has announced an initiative to encourage single parents back to work. They announced that this would increase, the mainly women’s, self worth & esteem. A by product of this would be a reduction of the benefits paid out to single parents. At the moment benefits are paid the single parents, allowing them not to work, until their children reach 16. The government propose to reduce this figure to 12, in 3 years. This would reduce the benefits bill, and enable the money to be spend else where. To my mind the governments are targeting the wrong group of people. I believe that they should be encouraging one parent to be able to stay at home (and I don't have a problem with men occupying this position) and targeting the many people that can work, but don't, as they live of the state. To my mind the development of our children is THE most important aspect of our society, as they are the future leaders, and employees of this nation. Many parents I speak would love to be able to afford to stay at home with their children. But they simply can't afford it. Also, if the government were serious about encouraging parents back to work, you'd think they would establish care groups to look after the children while their parents work, or encourage more employers to establish crèches within their premises. More attention should be directive at getting healthy work shy people back to work. This in turn would reduce the benefits bill, benefit the economy, and increase the self worth of the individuals concerned. What better example to children, to see their parents work, whether that be in a office, or as a House husband/wife/parent.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sup Mr smooth as usual you know ole Mike has a different oppinion.

I think the back to work ethic should be applied accross the board. Money that would usually be devoted to beneifts would then be diverted into areas such as childcare and education to ensure our children get the best start in life.